
The Korea Local Administration Review

Ko, Sook-Hee

A Comparative Study of GEM Before and After the 5.31 Local

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Korea is known for its remarkable economic development during the last 30 years. So the Human Development Index is not low compared with other OECD country, but the woman's social status is low relatively. Woman's social status represented by Gender Empowerment Measure(GEM) measured by UNDP ranked 60 degree in targeted country. In this paper, based on the above fact, it measured and compared GEM by the local autonomous entities before and after the 5.31 local election. The local entity of study was Seoul, Kyungbuk, and Chungbuk. The result of study, the number of woman member of Parliament was the cause low GEM before local election. But Woman's economic position was the critical factor in low GEM after local election. So Woman's economic position must be incresed to enhance GEM in the all three local entities.