
The Central-Local Relationships


The head of a central administrative agency or the Mayor(mayor of the Seoul & 6 metropolitan cities)/Governor(governor of 9 provincial governments) may advise, recommend, or guide on affairs of the local government and, if necessary, s/he may request the local government to present materials. If financial or technical support is necessary for a local government to handle affairs of such local government, in the opinion of the central government or City/Do, the central government or City/Do may provide such financial or technical support to such local government. In the case of City/Do, the Minister of central government shall guide and supervise the affairs of central government handled by a local government or the head of it under entrustment.
In the case of the Si/Gun/autonomous Gu, on the other hand, the affairs of central government shall be primarily guided and supervised by the Mayor/Governor and secondarily by the competent Minister. Where the head of a central administrative agency and the head of a local government have a different opinion on the handling of affairs, a consultation/conciliation organization may be established under the Prime Minister in order to consult and conciliate it.

Cooperation among Local Governments

A local government or the head of it may entrust part of the affairs under its competence to any other local government or the head of it to manage such part of its affairs. In this case, the head of the local government shall make a report to the Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs and relevant central administrative agency if a party entrusted with such affairs is the City/Do or the head of it. Likewise, the head of the local government shall make a report to the Mayor/Governor if a party entrusted with such affairs is the Si/Gun/autonomous Gu or the head of it. In addition, if a local government receives a request to jointly manage affairs or to consult, mediate, approve or support the performance of affairs from another local government, then it shall cooperate with the other local government within the limit of Acts and subordinate statutes.