
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kim, Hou Gyun

A Comparative Study on the Impact Factors in Local Government’s Cultural Policy Implementation: Focusing on the Recognition Level of Local Government Employees and Cultural Artists in Gwangju City

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This present study examines cultural policy impact factors, and is focused on civil service and artists in Gwangju city, Republic of Korea. One hundred fifty local government officials and artists of the same number in Gwangju filled out standardized questionnaires. With the goal of extracting the cultural policy impact factors, Spss 12.0 version statistical package programs were put to use.
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed four impact factors of cultural policy implementation on its effectiveness. The four factors are as follows. The first factor is local government employees' expert knowledge and chief manager's leadership of a local self-governing body. The second is PR and networking system in cultural administration. The third is enterprise's Maecenas factor. The fourth is cultural events infrastructure factor. (Significance level 0.05).
The findings thus suggest that culture’s administration employees in local government should attach greater importance to turning professional, local government's chief manager take a keen interest in cultural administration, and decision making in local public sector be made up of local governance system than ancient government system, in other words, supply-oriented administration.