
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kim, Mee Na

The Process, Speed and Stability of Institutional Introduction & Change: The Case of Innovational Education for Local Government Officials in the Participatory Government

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The Participatory Government deals with innovation as an important item of education for local government officials, and the Roh government makes a big point of learning about innovation. Because learning can arouse a local government official's sympathy and it can elevate them to innovational competency.
In this study, I have tried to explain institutional change focusing on the case of innovational education for local government officials in the Participatory Government. The purpose of this study is to explain the process of institutional change by uncovering the process, speed and stability of institutional introduction and change. This study analyzes the process of introduction and the process of the opening of the innovational education course by the Local Government Officials Development Institute (LOGODI).
This analysis discusses the process and speed and shows that innovational education has been speedy in its introduction, during the Roh government. Such process does not rely on negotiation with the target and process. Also political power is concerned about such process continuously, and lays special emphasis on repeated applications of innovational learning to spread an innovational institution. Consequently, the introduction speed of innovational learning is very fast, but the institutional stability is slightly low. So, over a given period of time, innovational institutions return to its initial stage and do not enjoy the fruit of the government´s efforts.