
The Korea Local Administration Review

Oh, Young Kyun

The Justification and Limitation of Assertive Administration for The Welfare of Citizen

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The Justification and Limitation of Assertive Administration for The Welfare of Citizendownload
This paper aims at examining the pre consulting audit issues and justification for positive administration in local governments. Fundamently, this study adopts literatures to find the hudles of pre consulting audit against positive administration at local levels. This study intends to find out the theoretical ground for local government pre consulting audit to enhance the assertive public administration. The findings are as follows: First, principle-agent theory and system theory logic can be the Justification of pre consulting audit. Secondly, though there are some dissents, we can find the necessity and usefulness of pre consulting audit. Finally, if we enhance the usefulness of pre consulting audit, we should develop the capacity of audit department and its members.

□ Keywords:pre consulting audit. assertive behavior, local government audit, public responsibility.