
The Korea Local Administration Review

Park, Choong Hoon

Policy Types and Budget Review of Local Council : Case of Budget Review to Road and Welfare programs in the Gyeonggi ...

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Policy Types and Budget Review of Local Council : Case of Budget Review to Road and Welfare programs in the Gyeonggi
This study aims to understand primary attributes of budget review dependingon policy types. For this aim, budget reviews to road construction programsand welfare programs of the Gyeonggi province in fiscal years 2007-2014 areanalyzed. Road budget and welfare budget represent development and welfarepolicy respectively. According to results, theoretical expectations todevelopment policy are significantly satisfied. In road budget review,pork-barrel and log-rolling behaviors are predominant. However, the review’sinfluence to program formulation is insignificant because of institutionalrestrictions. Contrary to developmental policy, budget review to welfareprograms are public interests-oriented. A local council focuses on quality ofprogram or interests of disadvantaged classes rather than political interests ofpublic choice approach. Especially, liberal council in divided governmentperforms not only positive management function for improving efficiency, butalso policy-making function at significant level in welfare budget review. Thisstudy confirms that local council has been a significant actor of policy-makingin changing environment of local autonomy, and demands new change forconsidering local council’s significant role as policy maker beyond traditionalprescriptive approach which emphasizes on legitimacy and efficiency.
□ Keywords: budget review, policy types, divided government, local council