
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kim, Soon Eun・Kwon, Bo Kyung

Urban community’s Residential Autonomy and Social Capital : A Case Study on Commissions of Representative Tenants of ...

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Urban community’s Residential Autonomy and Social Capital : A Case Study on Commissions of Representative Tenants of
The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of commissions ofrepresentative tenants of apartments from a perspective of residential autonomyand to examine whether or not commissions of representative tenants ofapartments can contribute to revitalizing urban communities. This study showsthat commissions of representative tenants of apartments do not remain just asmanagerial organization of apartments but embrace major features and status asresidents’ autonomous organizations.On the basis of two case analyses, this study shows that if commissions ofrepresentative tenants of apartments could play a key role in cultivating socialcapital in the apartment, social capital acted as key factors which contributed torevitalize urban community, with the result in regional development. In theprocess of generating social capital, it is confirmed that leadership of chair ofcommissions of representative tenants of apartments is essential and his/herrole of brokage in the network concerned is very remarkable. It is veryimportant to elect a chair of commissions of representative tenants ofapartments who holds high level of dedication and leadership, which works as afoundation to enhance trust among residents and autonomous groups, etc. It canbe said that commissions of representative tenants of apartments as residentialautonomous organization can contribute to pile up social capital whichsubsequently works as factors which revitalize urban communities with theresult in regional development.
□ Keywords : community, urban community, social capital, residential autonomy,commissions of representative tenants of apartments