
The Korea Local Administration Review

Lee, Kwang-seok・Kwon, Ki-seok

A Study on the Naming, Transformation and Confirmation : Centered on the Devolution and the Independence of Scotland....

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A Study on the Naming, Transformation and Confirmation : Centered on the Devolution and the Independence of
Whether Scotland should be an independent country or not is very interestingresearch subjects to Korean scholars, because many kinds of techniques andmethods to persuade Scottish had been shown in the referendum.The Independence was rejected in the referendum. Pro-independence marked45%, while anti-independence marked 55%, even though the opinion poll duringstumping period showed the Independence could be achieved.This paper aims to show how the fluctuation would be possible and whatmade it possible, centered on frame method. Also this paper aims at naming,transformation, and verification of the frame in the independence poll process,based on structural viewpoint and time-differential perspective. In order to doso, this paper establishes three stages based on well-known milestones:Edinburgh Agreement(15.Oct.2012), Currency Union(19.Jan.2014), the debut of Mr.Brown(8.Sep.2014). The first stage was the period from Edinburgh Agreementto Currency Union and the second stage covered the period from CurrencyUnion to the debut of Mr. Brown. The third stage was the period from thedebut of Mr. Brown to Scottish referendum.
□ Keywords: Scottish Independence; devolution; frame method; naming,transformation and confirmation; calculus