
The Korea Local Administration Review

Seo, Inseok・Woo, Chanbin・Kee, Youngwha

The Happiness inequalities of the region via Gini coefficient

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The Happiness inequalities of the region via Gini coefficientdownload
Throwing a buzzword whether happiness’s inequality exists, this studyconfirms that there is a need to focus the view to distribute happiness insteadof income distribution and inequality in who emphasized in the past. Especially,we tried to find these differences on Seoul Metropolitan.Using samples from the Seoul Survey, firstly, this study found that incomeinequalities is uncorrelated with happiness inequalities of Seoul citizens, withthe divides appearing geographically among the 25 “Gu” areas. Secondly, thegaps of inequalities are larger happiness than income. This results suggest thatit may be more urgent to identify and improve the factors related to happinessinstead of improved earnings in the the case of Seoul Metropolitan.
□ Keywords: Happiness inequalities, Income inequalities, Gini coefficient