
The Korea Local Administration Review

Geum, Chang-ho·Lee, Ji-hye

Linkage and Cooperation of Local Autonomy and Educational Autonomy in Korea Local Government

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Linkage and Cooperation of Local Autonomy and Educational Autonomy in Korea Local Governmentdownload
Despite of the affairs of local government, according to relevant laws, localeducation has been managed through the education office in-local as anindependent organization and it is based on arguments to ensure politicalneutrality and professionalism of education. However, segregation of localautonomy and educational autonomy cause practically various problems such asoverlapping functions and ambiguity of responsibility. Consequently, policyoriented for integrating with local autonomy and educational autonomy has beenpromoted in principle, but by taking into consideration the conditions of realisticpolicy environment, strengthen of mutual linkage and cooperation has sought asa transitional strategic. The linkage and cooperation of local autonomy andeducational autonomy reinforce homogeneity of mutual system in the short termas well as having the effect on achieving the integration in the long term. Inthis regard, it has proposed information sharing, cooperative process of theaffairs, human resources exchange, and establishing of joint organization basedon the strength of an alternative for the integration of general autonomy andeducational autonomy. In addition it suggest reorganization of related legislationand expansion of financial support in order to substantiate the linkage andcooperation of the above
□ Keywords: Local autonomy, Educational autonomy, Linkage and cooperation