
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kim, Dae-Wook

Analyzing the Research Trends of The Korea Local Administration Review Using Network Text Analysis

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Analyzing the Research Trends of The Korea Local Administration Review Using Network Text Analysisdownload
This study analyzes The Korea Local Administration Review by utilizing thenetwork text analysis method, which is used to identify and analyze the individualand relational attributes of words occurring in each paper. In doing so, this studydivides the research fields of the journal into all fields as well as the localadministration, local finance, and local development fields to capture both overallaspects and detailed aspects. The analytical results are as follows. First, the corekeywords for the research topic are governance, local government, civicparticipation, and local administrative body. Second, the central research subjectsof the overall field are governance, network, local society, and trust. The centralresearch subjects of the local administration field are network, governance, andpolicy diffusion trust. The central research subjects of the local finance field arewelfare finance, local government, and local finance. And the central researchsubjects of local development field are local energy, governance, and participation.
□ Keywords: The Korea Local Administration Review, research trend, networktext analysis