
The Korea Local Administration Review

Koh, Jaekyung⋅Kim, Sungwook⋅Chu, Junghyun

An Analysis on Characteristics of Changing Energy Consumption Pattern of Municipalities in Gyeonggi-Do

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An Analysis on Characteristics of Changing Energy Consumption Pattern of Municipalities in Gyeonggi-Dodownload
In Korea, owing to the increasing environmental and social problems resulted fromthe top-down and centralized energy supply policy, building a distributed energysystem that emphasizes the role of local governments has emerged as a real issue.However, the level of institutional and policy-based infrastructure that has yet tomunicipalities to establish their own energy plan is very low. This study, as anattempt to build a distributed energy policy infrastructure necessary toward theenergy paradigm shift, created a series of energy consumption database based onmunicipalities of the Gyeonggi-do and analyzed changing factors and characteristicson local energy consumption pattern. The result of index decomposition analysisillustrates that the production effects due to economic growth has the greatest impacton the change in the Gyeonggi-Do’s total energy consumption. Population effect alsoincreases energy consumption but its contribution is not shown to be great. Decreasein energy consumption due to the improvement of energy intensity has been offsetby the production effect. The cluster analysis characterizes 31 municipalities as threegroups according to their energy consumption patterns;slow growth・low energyefficiency, stable growth・high energy efficiency, rapid growth・high energy efficiency.Each cluster has different driving factors influencing on energy consumption change,which suggests the energy strategy be differentiated based on municipalities’ needsand characteristics.
□ Keywords: energy consumption pattern, municipalities, index decompositionanalysis, cluster analysis, Gyeonggi-Do