
The Korea Local Administration Review

Ko, Hyejin⋅Jung, Sook-Hee⋅Kang, Byungdeok

The study on Comparison Welfare Consciousness among Welfare Service Providers : Among Civil Servants, Welfare Commit...

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The study on Comparison Welfare Consciousness among Welfare Service Providers : Among Civil Servants, Welfare
The purpose of this study is to find ways to improve community socialwelfare through developing more effective collaborations between public andprivate social welfare providers. For this, we have focused on the differencesof welfare consciousness among the providers. To achieve the purpose, theresearchers conducted survey on the social welfare providers: communitywelfare councilors, public social welfare officials, and private social workers.The res ults are a s follows. Firs t of a ll, a ll p roviders had p os itive welfareconsciousness. However, the levels of welfare consciousness were differentamong the providers. While the community welfare councilors showed thehighest satisfaction of current social welfare systems, they had the lowestperception of social welfare effectiveness. Second, the social welfare areas thatthe providers showed a big difference were related to poverty and disability.To achieve a better community social welfare and to decrease differences ofwelfare consciousness among the providers, community education are provided,especially to the councilors. For this, it should be considered to use preexistinginstitutional systems and networks such as local social welfare councils andassociations of social work organizations.
□ Keywords: welfare consciousness, social welfare providers, public and privatecollaboration, social welfare governance