
The Korea Local Administration Review

Ra, HuimunㆍGeum, Chang-Ho

Policy Directions for the Realization of Mature Local Autonomy

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Policy Directions for the Realization of Mature Local Autonomydownload
Park Geun-hye administration selected and implemented various state affairs.Those will go far toward the realization of mature local autonomy and thepeople will be happy. In this background, the purpose of this study is to findnew tasks and to build implementation system for the realization of mature localautonomy.Current state affairs are 20 tasks. The 20 tasks including local governmenttransfer of central authority, expansion of local finance, strength of financialsoundness of local government, enlargement of citizen participation systemwhere we will come up with revised plans in the next five years are thosewhich should be executed with urgency in order to achieve mature localautonomy.The results of this study are as follows. The first, if Park Geun-hyeadministration push ahead with state affairs, it will be contribute to thedevelopment of the local autonomy or local government. But, the current stateaffairs have problems in terms of outward growth. Therefore, Parkadministration will have to add new tasks for success of mature local autonomy.Also, the presidential committee on local autonomy development has toreexamine implementation system of state affairs. The committee aims torealize mature local autonomy and promote happiness of the local citizens bystrengthening decentralization and executing local government reform, the tasksof the Park Geun-hye Administration.
□ Keywords: Park Geun-hye Administration, state affairs, local autonomy,mature, implementation system