
The Korea Local Administration Review

Jo, Geun Sic

Analysis of Determinants of Policy Innovativeness in Korean Local Government : Comparative Analysis Between High-Innov..

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Analysis of Determinants of Policy Innovativeness in Korean Local Government : Comparative Analysis Between
This article analyzes determinants of policy innovativeness in Korean localgovernment. Various factors have effects on local government's policyinnovation. Most researches focus on average effect of policy innovationfactors. However, it is important to divide determinants of policy innovationbetween high and low innovators. To do this, I divided research sample intotwo sub-samples: high-innovator and low-innovator. The result of analysisreveals that high and low innovators have different determinants of policyinnovativeness. While economic and interest group factors have significanteffects on high innovator, demand factor has significant effects on lowinnovator. And high innovator is more sensitive to political factor and neighborgovernment factor than low innovator do. This different determinants cansuggest more suitable policy direction to local governments.
□ Keywords: policy innovation, local government, high-low innovativeness