
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kim, Dae-Won

The Structural Model between Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors with Self Leadership as a..

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The Structural Model between Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors with Self Leadership as
Referring to a self-influencing process in which the individuals manage theirown behaviors and thoughts to enhance personal effectiveness, self leadership(SL), combined with leader-member exchange (LMX), is expected to contributeto organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) addressing discretionary behaviorthat increases organizational effectiveness through altruism and civic virtue etc.However, the relative contribution of the two constructs to OCBs of localgovernment employees has not been almost touched yet.Using a sample of public workers from local government organizations inKyungnam province, this study aims to empirically investigate the relationshipbetween task and relation oriented leader-member exchange (TLMX andRLMX) and OCBs with SL as a mediator. Hypotheses were tested usingstatistical analysis of the data after establishing the psychometric properties ofthe scales. The reliability of the scales was verified by Cronbach’s α. Andthe study employed structural equation model for the direct effect analyses ofthe constructs and sobel test & bootstrapping for mediation effects.Results based on a sample of 152 public employees from local governmentorganizations in of Kyungnam Province indicate that RLMX has been positivelyrelated to OCBs while SL also produces some significant mediating andaccentuation effects on the relationship between RLMX and OCBs.An important implication of this study's findings is, consequently, that RLMXshould be positively increased to enhance the level of OCBs through using themediating role of SL(behavior focused strategies and natural reward strategies)□ Keywords: Task and Relation Oriented LMX, Self Leadership, Organizationalcitizenship behaviors, Bootstrapping