
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kim, Soon-Eun

Theoretical Foundations of A Creative Local Government3.0 for Residents’ Happiness

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Theoretical Foundations of A Creative Local Government3.0 for Residents’ Happinessdownload
The purpose of this study aims to discuss requirements for local government3.0 in order to strengthening local autonomy for promote the level of residents’happiness. Several suggestions are made including collaborative partnershipbetween the central government and local governments on the basis of mutualtrust, creative governance between the local council and the executive bodies atthe local level and civic engagement stemmed from the concept of resident’ssovereignty. In particular, major concern should be related to soft-ware forincreasing citizen participation rather than hard-ware under the mode of localgovernment 3.0.No doubt that digital participation based on the advanced level of informationand communication technology is very important factor affecting the effectiveestablishment of local government 3.0. Towards the higher level of citizenparticipation new Saemaeul Movement should be reinforced because theSaemaeul Movement provided us with considerable legacies of diligence,self-help, and co-operation which are essential for creating participatorygovernance.On the basis of diversities and differences in residents’ preferences it is verydifficult to address their demands and needs with an uniform standard andcentral policies. It is local governments being familiar with local situationswhich can increase the happiness of residents. The notion of local government3.0 should be developed in order to maximize the happiness of residentsthrough the full-fledged local autonomy.
□ Keywords: local government 3.0, local democracy, efficiency and effectiveness,collaboration