
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kim, Lee-Soo

The Exploratory Study on Factors Affecting Project Type Selection of Elderly Job Creation Project Implementation Insti..

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The Exploratory Study on Factors Affecting Project Type Selection of Elderly Job Creation Project Implementation
Elderly job placement program is creating elderly job by government-fundedin local government. It has quasi-market failure, insufficient incentive system.Nevertheless, social service delivery institutions are trying to participate inelderly job placement program voluntarily or involuntarily. If sow, why elderlyjob placement program delivery institutions do participate in delivering elderlyjob placement program under an unfavorable environment? This purpose ofarticle is to analyze factors affecting participation and project selection ofelderly job placement program delivery institutions. I gave an outline of elderlyjob placement program, reviewed social service provider factors as theoreticalbasis and categorized determinant factors of elderly job placement programselection into motivations, roles, institutions type, region type. Analysis resultssay that factors such as motivations, roles, region type are determinant inelderly job placement program participation, but institutions type are notineffective. On the basis of analysis result, policy implications are suggested asfollows. Local and Central government must prevent cream-skimming or moralhazard of elderly job placement program delivery institutions, facilitatenetworking in between program delivery institutions, evaluate differentiatedprograms and expertise.
□ Keywords: elderly job placement program implementation institutions, elderlyjob placement program type selection, elderly job placementprogram