
The Korea Local Administration Review

BAE, Jun-Gu

Realization of Local Governments at the era of Peopleʼs Happiness : Focused on Collaboration Activation

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Realization of Local Governments at the era of Peopleʼs Happiness : Focused on Collaboration Activationdownload
After implementation of local autonomy, the relationship between national and
local governments has been transformed from vertical to horizontal one andlocal governments has secured their authorities as independent decision makers.Under these contexts, local governments are in charge of more important rolesin realization of peopleʼs happiness. On the level of local government, activecollaboration is needed to meet rapidly-changing administrative needs and tosolve complex local pending issues. Analyzing the guiding principles of theadministration of state affairs, ʻLocal Government 3.0ʼ, and cases of collaboration,this article withdraws implications for realization of local governments which isbeing pursued as one of the top priorities of state affairs under Park GunhyeGovernment. Based on the implications withdrawn from the analyses, this articleemphasizes the need for reinforcement of customized service by citizen interms of customer, propelling organization, information system, and institutionas a way to increase active collaboration.
□ Keywords: peopleʼs happiness, local government, collaboration, local autonomy,citizen participation