
The Korea Local Administration Review

Lim, Hyung-Baek

The Directions of Revitalizing Rural Economy using Rural Amenities

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The Directions of Revitalizing Rural Economy using Rural Amenitiesdownload
Multifunctionality of agriculture is important way around the regulations ofWTO. Each nations seeks answer in various ways to pay subsidy to farmersaround the regulation of WTO using multifunctionality of agriculture. Eachnations also seeks to and internalizing an externalities of multifunctionality ofagriculture for revitalizing the rural areas. Multifunctionality of agriculture beginto take definite shape as rural amenities. Actually, government can provide avery good regulatory framework, so we can remove market failure in ruralamenities market. The main purpose of developing the rural areas-based ruralamenities is revitalizing the rural economy through rural amenities. The KoreanGovernment are injecting public funds into rural amenities, which aims torevitalizing the rural areas. But the Korea Government are focus(concentrate)on not internalizing an externalities but external development. The KoreaGovernment are focus on landscape design and formation. In other words, notrevitalizing the rural economy but spend public fund on improvement and designof rural landscape. This is improper policy. There is much to be desired inrural amenities policy in Korea.
□ Keywords: multifunctionality, amenity, rural, internalizing, revitalizing