
The Korea Local Administration Review

Kim, Dae Won

The Relationship between Self Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors : A Focus on the Mediating Role of ...

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The Relationship between Self Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors : A Focus on the Mediating Role of
This study aims to investigate the relationship between self leadership (SL)and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) with psychological empowerment(PE) as a moderator using a sample of 112 public workers from localgovernment organizations in Busan.The study also looked at SL as antecedents to PE, and PE (meaning,competence, self-determination, and impact) as antecedents to OCBs. Thescales were proven to have reliability through the results based on Wortzel’sidea (1979) arguing that the result is highly reliable if the Cronbach α value isbetween .70 and .98.The results show that SL is positively related to OCBs while PE alsoproduces some significant mediating effects on the relationship between SL andOCBs. An important implication of this study’s findings is, consequently, that SLshould be positively enhanced for the purpose of increasing the level of OCBsthrough using the mediating role of PE.
□ Keywords: Self leadership, Psychological empowerment, Organizationalcitizenship behaviors, Hierarchical regression model