
The Korea Local Administration Review

Choi, Jin-Hyuk

Strengthening of the residents sovereignty in the policy making process

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Strengthening of the residents sovereignty in the policy making processdownload
This study examined the alternative contents of each variable elementsaccording to the theoretical framework of strengthening the sovereignty of theresidents, while the execution of residents sovereignty was investigated. First,the relationship between the state and local government, through the expansionof right of autonomy, must find ways to strengthen residents sovereignty.Second, an executive organ(municipal mayors and civil servants), the localgovernment to involve citizens in policy making process to ensure that theself-regulatory institutions that are equipped with, in order to avoidparticipation in formal participation will need to lead them motivated. Third, thelocal council's policy-making process can converge to the residents commentsto be in place institutional arrangements. Fourth, the local governmentadministrative structure by expanding the scope of information disclosure forensuring the transparency of administrative action will have a system. Then inthe background, the local government administrative structure for the municipalresidents’ participation in co-production administrative services, local governancesystem should be established. Finally, the civil group should be trained as thesubject of the sovereignty movement by respect the rights of citizens ascustomers and with an emphasis on the role of civil group.
□ Keywords: residents sovereignty, right of autonomy, policy making process,local government administrative structure, local governance system