
The Korea Local Administration Review

Yoon, Jun-Hee․Park, Hae-Yug

Empirical Study of How to Give Weights to the Organizational Diagnosis Indexes with Judgment Analysis : Two Local...

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Empirical Study of How to Give Weights to the Organizational Diagnosis Indexes with Judgment Analysis : Two

This article aims to measure weights of organizational diagnosis indexes, concerning the local government nature. It compares how officers give weight to the indexes. For the purpose of this study, we used the Judgment analysis method include lens model, and we focused on two local governments which have distinctive characteristic as same as between county and city. The organization diagnosis indexes have been modified from actual used indexes in Ministry of Public Administration and Security of South Korea. There are two division of the indexes: superordinate index, and subordinate index. The superordinate index is made up organization structure, manpower, and payroll cost. Every constituents consists the subordinate indexes.
As the results, differences have been detected between two local government. A local government's officers give the relatively large weight to the index of the payroll cost and the relatively small weight to the index of the organization structure. The other local government's officers give the relatively large weight to the index of the organization structure and the relatively small weight to the index of manpower. Additionally, the officers differently used the indexes; officers who affiliated a local government use all indexes, but other officers who work for the other local government use limited indexes to organizational diagnosis.
□ Key Words: Organizational Diagnosis, Diagnosis Index Weight, Local Government