
The Korea Local Administration Review

Yoon, Eun-Sik ・Jung, Gyu-Jin ・Jeong, Moon-Gi

A Study of Factors Influencing Actors’ Collaboration in Network Governance in Community Service Center

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A Study of Factors Influencing Actors’ Collaboration in Network Governance in Community Service Centerdownload
This study examines factors influencing actors' collaboration in network incommunity service center. Community center played important role for solvinglocal problems by local citizens, but some gaps between members and localgovernment exist in sharing power and eliciting collaboration among them.Using award winning community service centers in 2009, this study firstdelineates network characteristics of key actors and then empirically teststhose factors for better understanding of collaboration among actors incommunity center. In doing so, the regression analysis testing factors followsdescriptive analysis regarding network features. The findings show that chief incommunity service center can play important role by enhancing education topromote cooperation among members and local officials. Furthermore, theresults show that training of actors, institutional factors, and reasonablecompensation play crucial roles for increasing collaboration among actors.
□ Keywords: Community Service Center, Collaboration Factors, CollaborativeGovernance