
The Korea Local Administration Review

Jun, Young-Sang

A Case Study on Progress Stage Influence Factors of the Resident’s Performance Course of the Civil Recall

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A Case Study on Progress Stage Influence Factors of the Resident’s Performance Course of the Civil Recalldownload
This paper is analyzed into progress stage influence factors of the resident'sperformance course of the civil recall and proposed the improvement of it. Theresearcher analyzed civil recall cases that residents tried until July 2009 fromMay 2007 when the law of civil recall was established in Korea. For analyzingthese cases as well as progressing civil recall course, these cases are classifiedby progress steps: 1) the step of preparing civil recall movement, 2) the stepof signature-collecting campaign, 3) the step of vote campaign, 4) the step ofvoting. Influence factors of the Civil Recall are divided by institutional factors,economic factors, social structure factors, the causes of recall, the objectpersons to be recalled, and the conditions of being demander on Recall. Andcause-effect relations and influences of the factors are analyzed by each steps.On the basis of the results of these analysis, interrelations of these factors arediscussed and explained. According to contents of the discussion, improvementsrelated with influence factors of each step are proposed.