
The Korea Local Administration Review

Shin, Yeol⋅Park, Chung-Hun

Probability and Practices of the Privatization in Local Public Corporations

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Recently the privatization always was the issue in the public organizationreform in Korea. Although justification of the privatization gets considerableagreement, the practice of that in the Local Public Corporations is upon thedebates. So this study explores the privatization's needs of Local PublicCorporations with two perspectives; the financial indicators and non-financialindicators.This study finds a few implications. Although the financial indicators of LocalPublic Corporations go into the red, those have improved in 2000-2006.According to the non-financial indicators of Local Public Corporations, theirsizes and manpowers are increase steadily by the government's policy andbusiness environment. So the privatization of Local Public Corporations is notjustified. First of all, the government and Local Public Corporations must dobusiness innovation and contract out individual projects which operatedinefficiently.