
Basic Report

Oh-Cheol Kwon, Young-Joo Kang

A Study of Contracting-out in between Local Governments

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A Study of Contracting-out in between Local Governmentsdownload

        This study is to analyze cases of Contracting-out in between local governments in Korea and Japan. Nowadays, local government is worrying how they can improve the efficiency of service delivery system because of the continuous provision, expending policy, financial difficulty, etc. Contracting-out in between Local Governments has many merits in public service delivery, comparing to other alternative measures. Nevertheless, Korea are very few applications as compared with those of Japan(indifference about contracting-out in between Local Governments, lack of motive in the local governments, and lack of support system of the central government). In conclusion we suggest the institution approach methods(revision of the Local Government Act, contracting-out selection standards, public announcing system) and the non-institution approach methods for the contracting-out in between Local Governments   ○ institution approach methods - revision of the Local Government Act(establishing a joint organization between local governments) - public announcing system - contracting-out selection standards   ○ non-institution approach methods - improvement of organizational culture and behavior <step1 selection standards>   functional character(planning function)   service pattern(situation adaptive)situation adaptive / planning functionsystem adaptive/planning functionservice pattern(system adaptive)situation adaptive/ executive functionsystem adaptive/executive function   functional character(executive function)   ↓<step2 selection standards>   public interest(high)   economical efficiency(low)Maintaining the current systemcontracting-out in between local governmentseconomical efficiency(high)abolition or reduction of functionscontracting-out(the private sector)   public interest(low)   ↓<step3 selection standards>the level of management and supervision