
International Activities

KRILA-SAI Exchange and Cooperation Agreement Signed in Shanghai

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President of Korea Research Institute for Local Administration (KRILA) Yoo Jung-Suk and the President of Shanghai Administration Institute (SAI) Lu Gui signed the “The Exchange and Cooperation Agreement Between KRILA and SAI,” on October 17th 2008 in Shanghai, during the 3rd Sino-Korean Bilateral Conference on “Administration Reform and the Construction of Service-oriented Government from a Comparative Perspective.” 


The two institutes agreed to develop a joint action plan to contribute to the success of Shanghai Expo in 2010 and Yeosu Expo in 2012, and to promote academic and scholar exchange programs and initiate a new collective training program for civil servants in the two countries.


The conference, a biennial event between KRILA, SAI, Beijing Administrative College (BAC) and Jilin Administrative College (JAC), heard presentations from local administration reform experts in Korea and China, on issues including local government evaluation, personnel reformation and reform toward service-oriented government in Korea and promotion of civil society participation in China